Monday, August 27, 2007

Stability Balls Helpful in Learning How to Swing a Golf Club

Building core strength using tools like stability balls are very important for learning how to swing a golf club.

According to an article on, consistent posture is extremely important throughout the entire golf swing.

Here are some exercises that are recommended for building core strength and their importance.

Three effective moves you can perform on the stability ball are plank push-ups, hip bridges, and the Russian twist.

In the golf swing, for example, you must maintain a consistent posture angle throughout the complete golf swing even though tremendous forces and changes in balance occur during the backswing and downswing.

Weight training is also important, but being able to lift a significant amount of weight doesn’t necessarily translate into a good, powerful swing. It’s important to do the things that will help you develop a proper golf swing. That, in turn, will lead to increased distance and accuracy.

Here is a link to the article:

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